Thursday, December 17, 2009

facebook users be aware!


Have you ever “Googled” yourself? Then try and see for yourself!

If you are a social media networking addict and joined LinkdIn or Twitter. . .  chances are, you will find yourself in Google search engine. That is because those social media sites are “indexed”. That means that every little thing you post on facebook, your naughty vacation, drunk pics with friends that were tagged, likes and dislikes are now searchable in "Google".

The companies who are hiring employees are now also going techie , as more and more company’s HR department are googling potential employees or current employees, so be aware of what you post on these social networking sites.

But, on Facebook there is something that you can do to protect yourself from being googled.

Here is how:

  • Go to your Facebook profile’s “Settings” page

  • Privacy settings > Search

  • Toggle the option that allows indexing under Public Search results no

Do this now before you land on the search engines of Bing and Google.

Once your information is “cached”, it’s next to impossible to remove them.

Again – To adjust your search privacy settings click on Settings>Privacy Settings>Privacy>Search>Public Search – - Uncheck Allow Indexing.


  1. hi charles, wazzap, long time ei. heheh 0932-4269888

  2. I am definitely going to try this on my Facebook account after reading your informative article. Thank you, Pinoy Girl
